Episode 101: Stephan Szugat | Mastering Interconnected Success In business and in personal life, there is one thing you need most of the time: Clarity! Clarity about what you want, what you need to do, and what you like your business and life to be. When you have clarity, you could focus on finding out…
Author: S. Sz.
My Latest book: Interconnected Success
My latest book is called Interconnected Success — Mastering the 7 Key Areas of Impact in Business and Life. The book reveals how to use my unique Coaching Model called Interrelations, which makes it easy for business owner, managers, and entrepreneurs to know any moment on what to focus their energy. More clarity helps to…
Finding Inner Joy and Happiness Through Self-Awareness
Did you ever wonder how to go start finding inner joy and happiness, then this new episode of the Finding Freedom Podcast will give you a new perspective. It was my pleasure to have been the guest on this episode. It all comes down to our decision when we like to Finding Freedom. Of course,…
Feel Great Group Coaching Event January 2024
A Feel Great group coaching event is coming up from January 15, 2024, to January 26, 2024. It’s an online meeting without video, focused on increasing your joy and happiness. The calls will be available in English and German. One call every weekday for one hour in each of the aforementioned languages. Calls in German…
Love Yourself – Workbook published
A little while ago, I was bothered by my distracted mind and its inability to keep focus on the goodness of life. Because of the aforesaid, I decided to do something that could help me to focus on positivity and love. That’s the reason behind the Love Yourself – Workbook published. As I prepared a…