Feel Great Group Coaching Event January 2024

Text image about Feel Great Group Coaching
Text image about Feel Great Group Coaching

A Feel Great group coaching event is coming up from January 15, 2024, to January 26, 2024. It’s an online meeting without video, focused on increasing your joy and happiness.

The calls will be available in English and German. One call every weekday for one hour in each of the aforementioned languages.

Calls in German will be from 8:00 am to 9:00 am CET.
Calls in English will be from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm CET.

You could book your ticket on my other website, selfcoaching365.com/shop.

The event is based on my book “Feel Great: It’s Your Decision!”. You do not need the book, but it’s definitely an advantage if you have read it. You wonder where to get it? Click this link to read the article about where to get the book. The book is available in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

As my Spanish isn’t so good at the moment, and I do not speak any French or Portuguese, the calls will be in English and German only. Maybe with the time I get better with Spanish again.

You wonder how the books are in more languages. Human translators and editors make it possible. And I love more people joining the boat of happiness and love.

So, join me and go get your ticket! See you soon.