Love Yourself – Workbook published

Love Yourself – Workbook Front cover
Love Yourself – Workbook Front cover

A little while ago, I was bothered by my distracted mind and its inability to keep focus on the goodness of life. Because of the aforesaid, I decided to do something that could help me to focus on positivity and love. That’s the reason behind the Love Yourself – Workbook published.

As I prepared a daily checklist for myself, I wondered, why just for myself? Thus, I decided to make a workbook out of it and publish it in various languages. This way, no only me would benefit from the checklist I prepared, but many more people.

What is the workbook about?

Now, what is this Love Yourself Workbook all about? As the title already suggest, it is about loving yourself. When you listen to your mind, you may notice, that loving yourself as you are may not come up many times. However, loving yourself is the most important thing in the world. If you could not love yourself, how could you love others? Furthermore, if you don’t love yourself, you may chase others to love you. Which, from my point of view, is not going to work as well.

While I use the daily checklist I prepared, I experience greater gratitude, more peace, more joy, and of course, more love. The daily checklist also helped me to recognize how much I resist my life to get better. It only takes one simple question and an honest answer to see if this is true for yourself as well.

Before having the Love Yourself Workbook published, I had to decide for which time period it should be available. To change a habit, it may take a while. And negative feeling and thinking is a habit too. Finally, I decided to create the workbook for a time frame of 12 weeks. At least, that should be enough, to get the new, positive thinking and feeling habit established.

The languages, the ISBNs, and where to buy the workbook?

But that wasn’t the last decision to get the Love Yourself Workbook published. Not at all. In which languages should I get the workbook published, was the next question. Though, I decided to have the workbook translated into French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish. With the original English version, that make five different languages.

Presently, I do not need to care about all the places you could buy the book as my publisher takes care about it. When you like to have a copy of the workbook, you just need one of the ISBN listed below, and you could even buy it at your local bookshop. You could buy the workbook online as well (already available at,,, and soon more).

Love Everything, Everyone, And Yourself

LanguageISBNAvailable at… (and others),,,,,,,,,,

Additionally, the Love Yourself – Workbook is a great add-on to my book “Feel Great: It’s Your Decision!”.